all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 2LB 50 0 53.217148 -1.438851
S40 2LE 6 2 53.231548 -1.430916
S40 2LG 32 0 53.230321 -1.432117
S40 2LH 15 0 53.229474 -1.431589
S40 2LJ 39 0 53.229415 -1.434391
S40 2LL 9 1 53.229251 -1.432131
S40 2LN 18 0 53.22906 -1.431354
S40 2LP 51 0 53.228017 -1.433436
S40 2LR 64 1 53.225345 -1.434608
S40 2LS 19 0 53.226383 -1.435644
S40 2LT 33 0 53.225777 -1.436925
S40 2LU 42 0 53.225063 -1.435976
S40 2LW 39 0 53.228586 -1.434012
S40 2LX 8 0 53.226641 -1.436974
S40 2LY 6 0 53.227315 -1.436935
S40 2LZ 45 0 53.226748 -1.438755
S40 2NA 15 0 53.227353 -1.435646
S40 2NB 36 0 53.227864 -1.435114
S40 2ND 17 1 53.229613 -1.43611
S40 2NE 24 1 53.230559 -1.436517