all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 2NF 6 2 53.233428 -1.436989
S40 2NG 32 1 53.219671 -1.438233
S40 2NJ 2 0 53.23245 -1.439309
S40 2NL 6 0 53.226168 -1.437714
S40 2NP 30 0 53.229024 -1.448777
S40 2NR 1 1 53.229894 -1.440571
S40 2NS 1 1 53.230134 -1.439818
S40 2NT 8 1 53.229768 -1.436888
S40 2NU 17 0 53.229403 -1.437642
S40 2NW 43 0 53.217352 -1.440061
S40 2NX 46 0 53.22875 -1.438084
S40 2NY 13 0 53.229511 -1.443333
S40 2NZ 32 0 53.220456 -1.43686
S40 2PA 10 0 53.229196 -1.439442
S40 2PB 44 0 53.228383 -1.440456
S40 2PD 57 1 53.228906 -1.442711
S40 2PE 9 0 53.228033 -1.444341
S40 2PF 27 0 53.227965 -1.445255
S40 2PG 7 0 53.229555 -1.441175
S40 2PH 5 4 53.231883 -1.442972