all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 0XJ 12 53.362391 -1.474586
S8 0XL 5 53.361562 -1.476339
S8 0XQ 17 53.35936 -1.478335
S8 0XT 1 53.36035 -1.476474
S8 0XY 1 53.361646 -1.474806
S8 0XZ 1 53.361607 -1.474176
S8 0YA 1 53.36099 -1.474889
S8 0YE 0 53.360206 -1.4787
S8 0YF 0 53.361928 -1.477703
S8 0YQ 0 53.362309 -1.476511
S8 0YS 1 53.362172 -1.475972
S8 0YT 0 53.362014 -1.47686
S8 0YU 1 53.361103 -1.478238
S8 0YX 11 53.360659 -1.477238
S8 0ZB 0 53.363197 -1.47387
S8 0ZE 1 53.350839 -1.484509
S8 0ZF 1 53.362669 -1.476506
S8 0ZH 0 53.362765 -1.476009
S8 0ZJ 0 53.363485 -1.474078
S8 0ZL 0 53.363195 -1.475523