all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 0TZ 1 53.360246 -1.475439
S8 0UA 0 53.35198 -1.482316
S8 0UJ 19 53.352282 -1.483694
S8 0UL 0 53.352848 -1.485671
S8 0UN 0 53.353449 -1.485333
S8 0UP 0 53.353861 -1.485103
S8 0UQ 1 53.354093 -1.484754
S8 0UR 1 53.353061 -1.484932
S8 0US 0 53.35342 -1.484927
S8 0UT 0 53.355135 -1.484531
S8 0UU 0 53.35481 -1.48428
S8 0UX 0 53.355125 -1.484306
S8 0UY 0 53.35533 -1.483763
S8 0WS 0 53.350839 -1.484509
S8 0WU 1 53.350839 -1.484509
S8 0WX 1 53.350839 -1.484509
S8 0XA 0 53.357552 -1.482248
S8 0XE 0 53.350839 -1.484509
S8 0XF 11 53.358155 -1.478229
S8 0XH 3 53.360965 -1.475415