all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 7FD 1 53.323633 -1.49578
S8 7FE 2 53.32551 -1.491224
S8 7FF 0 53.325055 -1.494127
S8 7FG 0 53.323974 -1.493525
S8 7FH 1 53.3245 -1.490336
S8 7FJ 0 53.32303 -1.493551
S8 7FL 0 53.322293 -1.495752
S8 7FN 0 53.325702 -1.489766
S8 7FP 0 53.324676 -1.491565
S8 7FQ 0 53.323367 -1.494568
S8 7FR 0 53.322727 -1.496392
S8 7FS 0 53.323544 -1.491879
S8 7FT 0 53.326029 -1.488666
S8 7FU 0 53.322451 -1.494819
S8 7FW 0 53.32179 -1.487291
S8 7FX 0 53.321908 -1.487679
S8 7FY 0 53.323088 -1.488116
S8 7FZ 0 53.322576 -1.488362
S8 7GA 0 53.32406 -1.488539
S8 7GB 0 53.322357 -1.489506