all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 7GD 0 53.321283 -1.490644
S8 7GE 0 53.320846 -1.493547
S8 7GF 0 53.320003 -1.494022
S8 7GH 0 53.32271 -1.490192
S8 7GL 0 53.322233 -1.492119
S8 7GN 0 53.321756 -1.494002
S8 7GP 0 53.321149 -1.49506
S8 7GQ 0 53.320428 -1.494753
S8 7GR 0 53.323386 -1.490559
S8 7GS 0 53.322366 -1.491592
S8 7GT 0 53.323444 -1.489552
S8 7GU 0 53.322273 -1.491052
S8 7HA 0 53.321306 -1.491844
S8 7HB 0 53.320667 -1.489465
S8 7HD 0 53.321483 -1.48914
S8 7HE 0 53.321752 -1.488837
S8 7HF 0 53.321109 -1.489925
S8 7HG 0 53.320333 -1.493462
S8 7HH 1 53.320701 -1.486958
S8 7HJ 0 53.319978 -1.488123