all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 7HL 0 53.319984 -1.489698
S8 7HN 2 53.320382 -1.486046
S8 7HP 0 53.319649 -1.486881
S8 7HQ 0 53.319249 -1.487876
S8 7HR 0 53.31939 -1.489405
S8 7HS 0 53.319557 -1.49071
S8 7HT 0 53.320134 -1.486799
S8 7HU 0 53.319383 -1.492107
S8 7HW 0 53.31903 -1.493478
S8 7HX 0 53.319521 -1.492706
S8 7JA 0 53.32136 -1.487656
S8 7JB 10 53.32061 -1.491058
S8 7JD 1 53.32007 -1.492941
S8 7JE 0 53.319866 -1.495585
S8 7JF 0 53.320273 -1.496331
S8 7JG 1 53.321344 -1.48599
S8 7JH 0 53.320607 -1.48822
S8 7JJ 0 53.319684 -1.49311
S8 7JL 0 53.31947 -1.49544
S8 7JN 1 53.319259 -1.496793