all postcodes in S9 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S9 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S9 2FS 1 1 53.401644 -1.423868
S9 2FT 1 1 53.410058 -1.420295
S9 2FU 1 0 53.409786 -1.412325
S9 2FY 3 3 53.407861 -1.412081
S9 2FZ 2 2 53.408199 -1.411279
S9 2GE 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2GF 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2GG 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2GH 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2GP 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2GQ 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2GR 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2GS 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2GW 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2GZ 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2HR 24 15 53.406365 -1.41681
S9 2JE 2 2 53.404457 -1.41825
S9 2JN 1 1 53.408112 -1.417388
S9 2LD 2 2 53.403695 -1.420426
S9 2LF 6 6 53.402506 -1.421676