all postcodes in S9 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S9 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S9 2LQ 6 5 53.400692 -1.425746
S9 2LR 13 9 53.401574 -1.426005
S9 2LU 2 2 53.401199 -1.424686
S9 2PA 3 3 53.398463 -1.429716
S9 2PE 2 2 53.398395 -1.430439
S9 2PF 5 4 53.397376 -1.429836
S9 2PR 20 18 53.399156 -1.428038
S9 2PU 6 5 53.400016 -1.429229
S9 2QA 3 1 53.397587 -1.428871
S9 2QJ 2 2 53.397887 -1.431303
S9 2QL 8 8 53.397515 -1.432541
S9 2RQ 3 3 53.402258 -1.433712
S9 2RS 4 3 53.40121 -1.436433
S9 2RU 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2RW 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2RX 28 25 53.407735 -1.421199
S9 2SG 1 1 53.398468 -1.436394
S9 2SN 1 1 53.399571 -1.437808
S9 2SP 6 6 53.399791 -1.436737
S9 2SR 1 1 53.403961 -1.429011