all postcodes in S9 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S9 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S9 2SU 8 8 53.40369 -1.426909
S9 2TE 1 1 53.408401 -1.417775
S9 2TF 2 2 53.399049 -1.433875
S9 2TJ 15 11 53.398539 -1.432347
S9 2TP 2 2 53.400298 -1.431812
S9 2TW 19 12 53.399819 -1.435022
S9 2TX 4 4 53.400424 -1.433736
S9 2TZ 1 1 53.399584 -1.43665
S9 2UA 4 2 53.399805 -1.433895
S9 2UB 5 5 53.401149 -1.429395
S9 2WS 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2WU 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2WX 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2XB 1 1 53.399673 -1.425158
S9 2XD 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2XL 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2XN 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 2XX 1 1 53.404257 -1.430827
S9 2YL 8 8 53.409493 -1.407681
S9 2YY 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295