all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 9HT 2 0 51.677008 -4.113958
SA14 9HU 22 0 51.677545 -4.116276
SA14 9HW 10 0 51.683112 -4.120731
SA14 9HY 2 0 51.678054 -4.119301
SA14 9LA 28 1 51.677247 -4.118345
SA14 9LB 16 0 51.67581 -4.118235
SA14 9LD 39 1 51.676189 -4.115649
SA14 9LE 7 0 51.675659 -4.114626
SA14 9LF 10 0 51.676549 -4.113149
SA14 9LG 13 0 51.676332 -4.109219
SA14 9LH 44 1 51.675681 -4.107902
SA14 9LL 10 0 51.675121 -4.107572
SA14 9LN 6 2 51.673921 -4.105245
SA14 9LP 31 1 51.674028 -4.103789
SA14 9LR 37 1 51.673371 -4.102327
SA14 9LS 13 2 51.673065 -4.102189
SA14 9LT 24 1 51.675228 -4.104076
SA14 9LY 3 0 51.677759 -4.101879
SA14 9LZ 16 0 51.676785 -4.116545
SA14 9NA 1 0 51.677667 -4.102989