all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 9NB 12 0 51.681443 -4.105536
SA14 9NF 18 0 51.678413 -4.116013
SA14 9NG 1 0 51.677655 -4.114647
SA14 9NH 13 0 51.677535 -4.112341
SA14 9NL 25 0 51.678422 -4.112513
SA14 9NN 7 0 51.679761 -4.109089
SA14 9NP 9 0 51.680547 -4.108207
SA14 9NR 32 0 51.680739 -4.107029
SA14 9NS 15 0 51.679813 -4.107674
SA14 9NT 41 0 51.678313 -4.109557
SA14 9NU 26 0 51.677873 -4.109565
SA14 9NW 2 0 51.679428 -4.109413
SA14 9NY 12 0 51.677161 -4.109467
SA14 9PA 26 0 51.677482 -4.106589
SA14 9PB 40 0 51.678154 -4.106931
SA14 9PD 12 0 51.678873 -4.105909
SA14 9PE 32 0 51.679479 -4.107239
SA14 9PF 14 0 51.679146 -4.108251
SA14 9PG 26 0 51.679299 -4.105234
SA14 9PH 10 0 51.679063 -4.103878