all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 9PL 31 0 51.681156 -4.101458
SA14 9PN 8 0 51.679406 -4.099633
SA14 9PP 1 0 51.677769 -4.097266
SA14 9PR 12 0 51.675406 -4.098183
SA14 9PS 35 0 51.673933 -4.098564
SA14 9PT 7 0 51.682676 -4.102823
SA14 9PW 8 0 51.677203 -4.099236
SA14 9PY 14 0 51.681192 -4.103991
SA14 9RA 6 5 51.673581 -4.143442
SA14 9RB 8 0 51.675948 -4.142845
SA14 9RL 1 1 51.673554 -4.141965
SA14 9RP 1 0 51.684781 -4.105445
SA14 9RR 4 0 51.687721 -4.099447
SA14 9RS 2 0 51.686523 -4.093322
SA14 9RT 13 0 51.687025 -4.089027
SA14 9RU 1 0 51.685585 -4.084563
SA14 9RW 7 0 51.683765 -4.108298
SA14 9RY 5 0 51.690682 -4.088059
SA14 9SA 1 0 51.670308 -4.095084
SA14 9SB 2 1 51.676594 -4.127955