all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 2RN 25 0 51.769417 -3.990997
SA18 2RP 17 0 51.763693 -3.99289
SA18 2RR 7 0 51.759157 -3.998921
SA18 2RS 2 0 51.755879 -4.007547
SA18 2RT 5 0 51.755283 -3.998865
SA18 2RU 1 0 51.76168 -4.00066
SA18 2RW 1 0 51.768735 -3.982952
SA18 2RY 5 0 51.762086 -3.992717
SA18 2SA 1 0 51.7628 -3.990401
SA18 2SB 1 0 51.7633 -3.981428
SA18 2SD 1 0 51.75831 -3.993247
SA18 2SE 4 1 51.758646 -3.987161
SA18 2SF 1 0 51.755729 -3.989496
SA18 2SG 4 0 51.774946 -3.978281
SA18 2SH 1 0 51.774746 -3.972532
SA18 2SL 1 0 51.770648 -3.980948
SA18 2SN 4 0 51.766183 -3.977492
SA18 2SP 52 0 51.780766 -3.983552
SA18 2SR 32 0 51.812065 -3.997437
SA18 2SS 18 0 51.811341 -3.998285