all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 2PL 7 0 51.775639 -3.964337
SA18 2PN 1 0 51.777664 -3.952253
SA18 2PP 9 0 51.780675 -3.976565
SA18 2PQ 2 0 51.834918 -4.000393
SA18 2PR 5 0 51.777716 -3.978257
SA18 2PS 2 0 51.779162 -3.981471
SA18 2PT 15 0 51.781172 -3.986107
SA18 2PU 2 0 51.781416 -3.98647
SA18 2PW 1 0 51.78854 -3.938508
SA18 2PX 17 0 51.79671 -3.988254
SA18 2PY 11 0 51.782826 -3.986136
SA18 2QA 5 0 51.794102 -3.968519
SA18 2RA 66 0 51.78234 -3.984578
SA18 2RB 5 0 51.779927 -3.985298
SA18 2RD 7 0 51.775761 -3.988116
SA18 2RE 4 0 51.775696 -3.992969
SA18 2RF 5 0 51.774804 -3.993611
SA18 2RG 33 0 51.772451 -3.992831
SA18 2RH 34 0 51.772497 -3.993833
SA18 2RL 2 0 51.769171 -3.995353