all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 2DG 16 0 51.79685 -3.994874
SA18 2DH 18 0 51.797484 -3.995685
SA18 2DJ 1 0 51.810557 -3.912924
SA18 2DL 8 0 51.797544 -3.99634
SA18 2DN 22 0 51.798303 -3.995605
SA18 2DP 24 0 51.798392 -3.994101
SA18 2DR 63 0 51.799148 -3.992988
SA18 2DS 16 0 51.799787 -3.991348
SA18 2DT 16 0 51.799178 -3.992264
SA18 2DU 16 0 51.798375 -3.991895
SA18 2DW 30 1 51.798353 -3.994781
SA18 2DX 1 0 51.816679 -3.913092
SA18 2DY 10 0 51.798953 -3.99121
SA18 2DZ 5 0 51.820019 -3.921127
SA18 2EA 24 0 51.800348 -3.99117
SA18 2EB 34 0 51.800762 -3.991638
SA18 2ED 19 0 51.800236 -3.993515
SA18 2EE 31 0 51.800732 -3.994934
SA18 2EF 54 1 51.803401 -3.994568
SA18 2EG 19 0 51.804262 -3.996347