all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 2EH 21 0 51.804728 -3.99322
SA18 2EJ 24 0 51.799294 -3.996026
SA18 2EL 1 0 51.808374 -3.986002
SA18 2EN 40 0 51.802073 -3.990695
SA18 2EP 28 0 51.806754 -3.905796
SA18 2EQ 6 0 51.81209 -3.907693
SA18 2ER 32 0 51.807001 -3.904385
SA18 2ES 71 0 51.803652 -3.992534
SA18 2ET 42 11 51.788835 -3.985457
SA18 2EW 40 0 51.802101 -3.992166
SA18 2EX 24 0 51.789302 -3.984434
SA18 2EY 41 0 51.790283 -3.981132
SA18 2EZ 51 0 51.78672 -3.987177
SA18 2FA 7 0 51.805785 -3.913839
SA18 2FD 43 0 51.802039 -3.989562
SA18 2GX 6 0 51.794116 -3.967127
SA18 2GY 12 0 51.785038 -3.977621
SA18 2HA 13 0 51.789754 -3.980017
SA18 2HB 23 0 51.787907 -3.982923
SA18 2HD 1 0 51.788411 -3.978116