all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 2NL 22 0 51.794585 -3.982592
SA18 2NN 67 0 51.79528 -3.982985
SA18 2NP 55 3 51.794501 -3.986944
SA18 2NQ 2 0 51.842813 -4.000438
SA18 2NR 17 1 51.795723 -3.988124
SA18 2NS 1 1 51.793288 -3.985914
SA18 2NT 1 1 51.790264 -3.986579
SA18 2NU 17 0 51.7962 -3.999225
SA18 2NW 1 1 51.79597 -3.985785
SA18 2NX 3 0 51.84252 -4.004456
SA18 2NY 11 0 51.810599 -4.000167
SA18 2NZ 2 0 51.844473 -4.005912
SA18 2PA 9 0 51.788067 -3.96914
SA18 2PB 2 0 51.786467 -3.968481
SA18 2PD 2 0 51.785258 -3.969777
SA18 2PE 4 0 51.783865 -3.963883
SA18 2PF 6 0 51.78346 -3.955751
SA18 2PG 8 0 51.784046 -3.967602
SA18 2PH 2 0 51.781402 -3.968608
SA18 2PJ 1 1 51.794804 -3.98878