all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 1DP 16 0 51.809629 -3.834169
SA18 1DQ 49 1 51.804723 -3.915139
SA18 1DR 1 0 51.769162 -3.890487
SA18 1DS 2 0 51.769917 -3.890956
SA18 1DT 1 0 51.791007 -3.886354
SA18 1DU 2 0 51.788299 -3.891957
SA18 1DW 5 1 51.809764 -3.841516
SA18 1DX 15 3 51.804639 -3.92246
SA18 1DY 2 0 51.789934 -3.887574
SA18 1DZ 35 1 51.805165 -3.924934
SA18 1EG 39 8 51.793167 -3.88504
SA18 1EH 8 0 51.794518 -3.88666
SA18 1EJ 51 0 51.804531 -3.928504
SA18 1EL 25 1 51.794914 -3.885546
SA18 1EN 46 1 51.796654 -3.88469
SA18 1EP 37 0 51.79556 -3.885079
SA18 1EQ 43 0 51.804394 -3.925322
SA18 1ER 16 0 51.794729 -3.884612
SA18 1ES 18 0 51.793956 -3.884694
SA18 1ET 12 0 51.793679 -3.884044