all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 1EW 24 0 51.795714 -3.883868
SA18 1EX 9 1 51.803219 -3.930116
SA18 1EY 2 0 51.791987 -3.884556
SA18 1EZ 22 0 51.802509 -3.930637
SA18 1HA 15 0 51.791212 -3.884275
SA18 1HB 28 1 51.79162 -3.883337
SA18 1HD 19 0 51.790414 -3.883403
SA18 1HE 10 0 51.789841 -3.883829
SA18 1HF 14 0 51.789727 -3.882647
SA18 1HG 48 0 51.790469 -3.881665
SA18 1HH 5 0 51.789449 -3.883186
SA18 1HJ 11 0 51.799977 -3.93095
SA18 1HL 37 0 51.790254 -3.880073
SA18 1HN 29 0 51.787186 -3.880728
SA18 1HP 16 0 51.788526 -3.881744
SA18 1HQ 24 0 51.800479 -3.929405
SA18 1HR 36 0 51.789029 -3.878372
SA18 1HS 28 0 51.79017 -3.877897
SA18 1HT 12 0 51.789745 -3.877587
SA18 1HU 12 0 51.790143 -3.875747