all postcodes in SA39 / PENCADER

find any address or company within the SA39 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA39 9BD 1 0 52.01066 -4.25383
SA39 9BE 10 0 52.015139 -4.219195
SA39 9BG 6 0 52.023161 -4.216913
SA39 9BH 3 0 52.000599 -4.218723
SA39 9BJ 4 0 51.997491 -4.222328
SA39 9BL 5 0 51.991532 -4.229422
SA39 9BP 7 1 52.001737 -4.267048
SA39 9BU 6 0 52.003548 -4.269675
SA39 9BQ 16 0 52.00018 -4.236083
SA39 9BS 14 0 52.002909 -4.268316
SA39 9BT 2 0 52.003151 -4.269411
SA39 9BX 42 0 51.99183 -4.272534
SA39 9BY 23 0 51.984704 -4.287704
SA39 9DA 10 0 51.976959 -4.287231
SA39 9DB 1 0 51.975347 -4.309593
SA39 9DD 9 0 51.997205 -4.30559
SA39 9DG 3 0 52.049054 -4.217507
SA39 9DH 28 0 52.035188 -4.210828
SA39 9DJ 9 0 52.051533 -4.210979
SA39 9DL 3 0 52.058021 -4.20268