all postcodes in SA39 / PENCADER

find any address or company within the SA39 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA39 9AA 30 4 52.004415 -4.264328
SA39 9AB 1 0 52.005358 -4.26066
SA39 9AD 30 1 52.006379 -4.263713
SA39 9AE 3 1 52.01573 -4.265642
SA39 9AF 10 0 52.002819 -4.265529
SA39 9AG 8 0 52.017872 -4.277629
SA39 9AH 4 0 52.014723 -4.292567
SA39 9AJ 1 0 52.006888 -4.295941
SA39 9AL 5 0 52.007105 -4.283391
SA39 9HL 49 2 51.990029 -4.264257
SA39 9AN 8 1 52.005234 -4.270838
SA39 9AR 15 1 52.001633 -4.263123
SA39 9AS 10 0 52.000475 -4.253624
SA39 9AT 3 0 51.997822 -4.240948
SA39 9AU 9 1 51.996063 -4.240864
SA39 9AX 26 2 51.998861 -4.23844
SA39 9AY 23 1 52.006624 -4.229192
SA39 9AZ 34 0 52.008948 -4.224688
SA39 9BA 19 1 52.009403 -4.230598
SA39 9BB 1 0 52.012164 -4.248529