all postcodes in SA39 / PENCADER

find any address or company within the SA39 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA39 9DN 15 0 52.052204 -4.192853
SA39 9DP 3 0 52.043266 -4.19816
SA39 9DQ 3 0 52.04105 -4.206057
SA39 9DR 12 0 52.040558 -4.195811
SA39 9DS 3 0 52.037596 -4.194091
SA39 9DT 34 0 52.039344 -4.196306
SA39 9DU 24 1 52.036322 -4.200677
SA39 9DW 3 0 52.049331 -4.197933
SA39 9DX 13 2 52.030987 -4.207063
SA39 9DY 9 1 52.029662 -4.20866
SA39 9DZ 13 1 52.027161 -4.216514
SA39 9EA 16 0 52.028362 -4.209427
SA39 9EB 5 0 52.029322 -4.186922
SA39 9ED 1 0 52.008844 -4.165278
SA39 9EE 10 0 52.025774 -4.195031
SA39 9EG 1 0 52.006598 -4.195153
SA39 9EH 2 0 51.999841 -4.19778
SA39 9EJ 3 0 51.990381 -4.176444
SA39 9EL 2 0 51.994347 -4.20506
SA39 9ER 2 0 52.001296 -4.265326