all postcodes in SA48 / ABERAERON

find any address or company within the SA48 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA48 7HG 24 11 52.112654 -4.077501
SA48 7HH 34 4 52.11557 -4.075286
SA48 7HL 1 1 52.183587 -4.155881
SA48 7HP 5 0 52.11501 -4.073375
SA48 7HR 4 0 52.113696 -4.073942
SA48 7HS 34 0 52.117272 -4.075131
SA48 7HU 27 0 52.118005 -4.074391
SA48 7HX 16 0 52.115993 -4.075773
SA48 7HZ 39 2 52.116575 -4.076924
SA48 7HY 28 0 52.116595 -4.074807
SA48 7JA 15 3 52.118733 -4.078485
SA48 7JB 10 0 52.119894 -4.079416
SA48 7JD 5 0 52.117918 -4.078813
SA48 7JE 6 0 52.117791 -4.079376
SA48 7JL 10 1 52.114099 -4.086303
SA48 7JN 5 0 52.113442 -4.088843
SA48 7JP 22 0 52.10619 -4.10023
SA48 7JR 42 2 52.104402 -4.117713
SA48 7JS 3 0 52.105243 -4.132428
SA48 7JT 4 1 52.103773 -4.142098