all postcodes in SA48 / ABERAERON

find any address or company within the SA48 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA48 7QD 5 0 52.169663 -4.162504
SA48 7QE 8 0 52.180585 -4.216425
SA48 7QH 14 0 52.143733 -4.17845
SA48 7QL 10 0 52.161901 -4.198565
SA48 7QN 1 0 52.15378 -4.201498
SA48 7QP 12 0 52.156205 -4.228021
SA48 7QR 10 0 52.167245 -4.21857
SA48 7QS 7 0 52.177396 -4.220788
SA48 7QT 4 0 52.181412 -4.240705
SA48 7QU 13 0 52.175279 -4.253458
SA48 7QW 7 0 52.15041 -4.204752
SA48 7QX 2 0 52.170833 -4.251056
SA48 7QY 53 1 52.174911 -4.25812
SA48 7QZ 11 1 52.178365 -4.273521
SA48 7RA 9 0 52.181072 -4.26835
SA48 7RB 3 0 52.182247 -4.260569
SA48 7RD 6 0 52.190312 -4.255901
SA48 7RE 16 0 52.208075 -4.233528
SA48 7RF 6 0 52.213397 -4.234542
SA48 7RG 6 1 52.21285 -4.244879