all postcodes in SA48 / ABERAERON

find any address or company within the SA48 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA48 7NY 2 0 52.114022 -4.138911
SA48 7NZ 4 0 52.136243 -4.160841
SA48 7PA 31 0 52.112909 -4.094061
SA48 7PG 31 0 52.18169 -4.159768
SA48 7PH 2 0 52.182474 -4.185289
SA48 7PJ 7 0 52.178675 -4.20027
SA48 7PL 5 0 52.173721 -4.205568
SA48 7PN 50 0 52.181023 -4.216579
SA48 7PP 9 0 52.185614 -4.210063
SA48 7PQ 1 0 52.17968 -4.179124
SA48 7PR 5 0 52.193002 -4.217438
SA48 7PS 10 0 52.194595 -4.199096
SA48 7PT 13 1 52.204054 -4.208768
SA48 7PU 3 0 52.20899 -4.212658
SA48 7PW 1 0 52.186216 -4.233003
SA48 7PX 8 0 52.200069 -4.226541
SA48 7PY 1 0 52.195535 -4.233777
SA48 7PZ 7 0 52.184028 -4.219347
SA48 7QA 2 0 52.174918 -4.176699
SA48 7QB 8 0 52.180667 -4.160157