all postcodes in SA61 / HAVERFORDWEST

find any address or company within the SA61 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA61 2HQ 24 0 51.807694 -4.973567
SA61 2HR 23 0 51.808862 -4.97306
SA61 2HS 21 0 51.808443 -4.975618
SA61 2HT 10 0 51.808621 -4.9746
SA61 2HX 11 0 51.806751 -4.972794
SA61 2HY 33 0 51.806921 -4.973893
SA61 2HZ 18 0 51.804771 -4.972141
SA61 2JD 6 0 51.802901 -4.972134
SA61 2JF 2 0 51.803826 -4.971455
SA61 2JG 3 0 51.802826 -4.971676
SA61 2JH 10 0 51.803088 -4.971636
SA61 2JJ 25 0 51.803549 -4.971016
SA61 2JL 15 4 51.803687 -4.970909
SA61 2JN 8 0 51.803919 -4.970791
SA61 2JP 7 0 51.803975 -4.970345
SA61 2JQ 2 0 51.803408 -4.971616
SA61 2JX 11 10 51.80203 -4.967797
SA61 2LE 3 3 51.802446 -4.966429
SA61 2LG 3 2 51.802911 -4.96511
SA61 2LH 53 6 51.802442 -4.962166