all postcodes in SA61 / HAVERFORDWEST

find any address or company within the SA61 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA61 2QJ 17 0 51.810855 -4.96038
SA61 2QL 18 0 51.812408 -4.96179
SA61 2QN 7 0 51.811644 -4.960852
SA61 2QP 57 0 51.812272 -4.959123
SA61 2QQ 15 2 51.81022 -4.962036
SA61 2QR 2 0 51.815005 -4.958274
SA61 2QS 13 0 51.814066 -4.958602
SA61 2QU 16 0 51.809392 -4.962259
SA61 2QW 11 0 51.812656 -4.960834
SA61 2QX 11 0 51.808848 -4.962961
SA61 2QY 12 3 51.807789 -4.963907
SA61 2RA 16 0 51.808596 -4.962248
SA61 2RB 17 2 51.808873 -4.961222
SA61 2RD 30 0 51.807716 -4.960769
SA61 2RE 29 0 51.807667 -4.961999
SA61 2RG 43 0 51.80689 -4.962328
SA61 2RH 10 0 51.813738 -4.956607
SA61 2RJ 7 0 51.813502 -4.958507
SA61 2RN 10 0 51.80206 -4.980464
SA61 2RP 12 0 51.802207 -4.979632