all postcodes in SA61 / HAVERFORDWEST

find any address or company within the SA61 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA61 2LJ 20 16 51.803701 -4.967863
SA61 2LP 7 4 51.80227 -4.967723
SA61 2LQ 1 1 51.802231 -4.967836
SA61 2LR 1 1 51.802321 -4.967671
SA61 2LU 1 1 51.802543 -4.966885
SA61 2LX 13 5 51.802769 -4.966465
SA61 2LZ 1 1 51.802168 -4.961769
SA61 2NB 1 1 51.802878 -4.966066
SA61 2ND 7 1 51.804599 -4.966849
SA61 2NE 5 0 51.80421 -4.966385
SA61 2NF 11 0 51.803696 -4.965919
SA61 2NL 10 0 51.803193 -4.965013
SA61 2NT 12 0 51.803643 -4.963925
SA61 2NU 27 0 51.804325 -4.963259
SA61 2NX 1 1 51.805205 -4.96191
SA61 2PA 6 1 51.804387 -4.964905
SA61 2PB 22 0 51.805482 -4.965163
SA61 2PD 3 0 51.804987 -4.965914
SA61 2PE 8 3 51.806862 -4.965022
SA61 2PF 38 4 51.808586 -4.963904