all postcodes in SA67 / KILGETTY

find any address or company within the SA67 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA67 7BA 17 0 51.797512 -4.744019
SA67 7BB 17 0 51.797005 -4.742117
SA67 7BD 12 0 51.796862 -4.742819
SA67 7BE 2 0 51.796528 -4.743408
SA67 7BG 19 0 51.797182 -4.743099
SA67 7BH 22 1 51.796921 -4.74391
SA67 7BN 20 3 51.799806 -4.743201
SA67 7BQ 4 0 51.798333 -4.74301
SA67 7BT 18 5 51.800009 -4.741443
SA67 7BU 29 2 51.79917 -4.740682
SA67 7BW 1 1 51.79998 -4.743458
SA67 7BY 1 1 51.798454 -4.742045
SA67 7BZ 1 1 51.79857 -4.74182
SA67 7DA 29 1 51.799006 -4.740469
SA67 7DB 21 6 51.798229 -4.742046
SA67 7DD 6 0 51.798417 -4.740941
SA67 7DE 9 1 51.798411 -4.740418
SA67 7DG 8 0 51.799588 -4.742926
SA67 7DH 5 3 51.799914 -4.73961
SA67 7DJ 11 1 51.800365 -4.738143