all postcodes in SA73 / MILFORD HAVEN

find any address or company within the SA73 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA73 1SP 10 0 51.708344 -4.945686
SA73 1SQ 8 0 51.713944 -4.952063
SA73 1SR 12 0 51.70763 -4.945629
SA73 1SS 7 0 51.70792 -4.946604
SA73 1ST 49 0 51.709597 -4.945217
SA73 1SX 24 0 51.711526 -4.945386
SA73 1SU 3 0 51.710736 -4.946406
SA73 1SY 6 0 51.710416 -4.946631
SA73 1SZ 6 0 51.712618 -4.945404
SA73 1TA 21 0 51.709994 -4.947101
SA73 1TB 39 0 51.709539 -4.946231
SA73 1TD 6 0 51.70879 -4.946356
SA73 1TE 22 1 51.708935 -4.948089
SA73 1TF 54 7 51.709172 -4.948683
SA73 1TG 31 0 51.710113 -4.948093
SA73 1TH 39 2 51.710574 -4.949277
SA73 1TJ 8 0 51.711075 -4.950979
SA73 1TL 22 1 51.710379 -4.951305
SA73 1TN 8 0 51.710549 -4.952055
SA73 1TP 10 0 51.710417 -4.950873