all postcodes in SA73 / MILFORD HAVEN

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Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA73 1LR 0 51.712352 -4.919901
SA73 1SJ 0 51.717408 -4.950431
SA73 1GA 6 0 51.711419 -4.950736
SA73 1QR 0 51.704794 -4.947033
SA73 1JN 0 51.728389 -5.012619
SA73 1BR 6 0 51.713402 -4.990029
SA73 1GB 0 51.724754 -5.015977
SA73 1GH 0 51.72292 -5.018932
SA73 1GL 0 51.722574 -5.018416
SA73 1EX 0 51.722092 -5.018616
SA73 1EY 0 51.715814 -5.020355
SA73 1EZ 7 0 51.717959 -5.020709
SA73 2AA 28 4 51.713389 -5.037307
SA73 2AB 1 1 51.713274 -5.036532
SA73 2AD 8 1 51.712959 -5.036193
SA73 2AE 22 4 51.713101 -5.037122
SA73 2AG 3 0 51.713843 -5.039372
SA73 2AH 15 1 51.713774 -5.038224
SA73 2AJ 3 0 51.713395 -5.039342
SA73 2AL 9 0 51.714096 -5.039179