all postcodes in SA73 / MILFORD HAVEN

find any address or company within the SA73 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA73 1PG 8 0 51.711362 -4.921535
SA73 1PH 7 0 51.716698 -4.949328
SA73 1PJ 6 0 51.716564 -4.948382
SA73 1PL 5 0 51.716402 -4.9473
SA73 1PN 6 0 51.716254 -4.946045
SA73 1PP 15 0 51.706146 -4.946556
SA73 1PR 6 0 51.70625 -4.947233
SA73 1PW 50 0 51.711794 -4.943106
SA73 1LS 8 0 51.705369 -4.94597
SA73 1PX 49 1 51.705532 -4.946647
SA73 1PY 17 12 51.708487 -4.944816
SA73 1PZ 20 0 51.715563 -4.94617
SA73 1QA 15 0 51.705454 -4.94847
SA73 1QB 12 0 51.705809 -4.950298
SA73 1QD 11 0 51.707655 -4.953926
SA73 1QE 11 0 51.706253 -4.952325
SA73 1QF 9 0 51.707324 -4.954238
SA73 1QG 8 0 51.706665 -4.952197
SA73 1QH 18 1 51.707236 -4.952003
SA73 1QJ 17 1 51.708065 -4.953388