all postcodes in SA73 / MILFORD HAVEN

find any address or company within the SA73 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA73 2BW 34 0 51.716013 -5.038606
SA73 2BX 7 0 51.714924 -5.039315
SA73 2BY 14 0 51.714432 -5.038862
SA73 2BZ 9 0 51.716961 -5.036229
SA73 2DH 34 1 51.713995 -5.037674
SA73 2DJ 12 0 51.713683 -5.037414
SA73 2DL 15 2 51.71334 -5.035198
SA73 2DN 8 0 51.713065 -5.034354
SA73 2DP 11 2 51.713526 -5.03445
SA73 2DR 8 0 51.71362 -5.03463
SA73 2DS 7 1 51.714015 -5.03588
SA73 2DT 10 2 51.714326 -5.035336
SA73 2DX 32 0 51.715281 -5.035241
SA73 2DY 4 1 51.715282 -5.034865
SA73 2DZ 11 0 51.715749 -5.034534
SA73 2EA 35 1 51.716901 -5.034191
SA73 2EB 20 0 51.720171 -5.033128
SA73 2ED 18 1 51.71661 -5.033954
SA73 2EE 8 5 51.718181 -5.033017
SA73 2EG 19 0 51.721178 -5.033138