all postcodes in SA73 / MILFORD HAVEN

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Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA73 2EH 43 0 51.722158 -5.034217
SA73 2EJ 26 0 51.722057 -5.03253
SA73 2EL 50 0 51.722685 -5.032934
SA73 2EN 21 0 51.723253 -5.035819
SA73 2EP 2 0 51.717893 -5.034264
SA73 2EQ 39 0 51.721711 -5.034433
SA73 2ER 7 0 51.722391 -5.035442
SA73 2HA 20 5 51.713163 -5.034932
SA73 2HE 20 7 51.712764 -5.034841
SA73 2HH 1 0 51.712503 -5.033839
SA73 2HJ 4 1 51.713618 -5.033841
SA73 2HL 16 2 51.712687 -5.033648
SA73 2HW 25 3 51.712716 -5.031826
SA73 2HP 19 2 51.712461 -5.029883
SA73 2HR 20 0 51.712966 -5.02983
SA73 2HS 31 0 51.713242 -5.03202
SA73 2HT 20 0 51.71296 -5.031646
SA73 2HU 10 0 51.713251 -5.031673
SA73 2HX 9 2 51.713179 -5.033406
SA73 2HY 34 0 51.714519 -5.034104