all postcodes in SA73 / MILFORD HAVEN

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Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA73 1EF 10 0 51.704125 -4.973914
SA73 1EG 7 1 51.704005 -4.971908
SA73 1EH 10 0 51.704648 -4.973137
SA73 1EJ 1 0 51.70518 -4.976284
SA73 1EL 8 0 51.707952 -4.970517
SA73 1EN 37 0 51.706799 -4.969544
SA73 1EP 51 0 51.71149 -4.967699
SA73 1ER 5 0 51.711897 -4.962465
SA73 1ET 22 0 51.713789 -5.014625
SA73 1EU 4 0 51.713517 -5.016822
SA73 1EW 26 0 51.706096 -4.971544
SA73 1HA 1 0 51.73337 -5.015624
SA73 1HB 9 0 51.727398 -5.017231
SA73 1HD 24 1 51.728268 -5.015733
SA73 1HG 8 0 51.729281 -5.015844
SA73 1HH 17 0 51.730091 -5.012683
SA73 1HJ 8 1 51.727221 -4.999718
SA73 1HL 5 0 51.723828 -4.988516
SA73 1HN 1 0 51.731212 -4.989597
SA73 1HP 6 0 51.726366 -4.98137