all postcodes in SA73 / MILFORD HAVEN

find any address or company within the SA73 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA73 1JW 5 0 51.737902 -4.964094
SA73 1JX 28 0 51.739857 -4.966816
SA73 1JY 11 0 51.749054 -4.973012
SA73 1LA 8 0 51.739564 -4.941449
SA73 1LB 2 0 51.735166 -4.947566
SA73 1LD 9 0 51.732646 -4.939214
SA73 1LE 1 0 51.725385 -4.944361
SA73 1LG 9 0 51.721851 -4.938387
SA73 1LH 5 0 51.73018 -4.9529
SA73 1LJ 2 0 51.733203 -4.96017
SA73 1LT 7 0 51.742637 -4.953597
SA73 1LU 10 0 51.74108 -4.943068
SA73 1LX 12 0 51.740725 -4.941075
SA73 1LY 10 1 51.739351 -4.93794
SA73 1LZ 5 0 51.741109 -4.941158
SA73 1NA 6 0 51.737781 -4.933477
SA73 1NB 65 0 51.736681 -4.928716
SA73 1ND 18 1 51.73436 -4.922769
SA73 1NE 4 0 51.732123 -4.922682
SA73 1NF 1 0 51.733945 -4.909083