all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 1HG 6 0 51.796449 -0.08097
SG14 1HH 18 8 51.794335 -0.079827
SG14 1HP 1 1 51.795138 -0.078894
SG14 1HQ 13 0 51.795581 -0.082326
SG14 1HR 1 1 51.795222 -0.080717
SG14 1HS 6 0 51.794745 -0.081274
SG14 1HT 14 0 51.796832 -0.084072
SG14 1HU 9 0 51.795241 -0.078759
SG14 1HX 3 1 51.796855 -0.080678
SG14 1HZ 37 13 51.796317 -0.081701
SG14 1JA 43 29 51.796729 -0.082307
SG14 1JX 12 0 51.796094 -0.0868
SG14 1JZ 9 2 51.795654 -0.084629
SG14 1LA 9 6 51.795245 -0.085981
SG14 1LB 21 0 51.795919 -0.088736
SG14 1LD 45 0 51.797909 -0.087971
SG14 1LE 42 0 51.794674 -0.088485
SG14 1LF 24 0 51.795142 -0.088537
SG14 1LH 1 1 51.795278 -0.083615
SG14 1LG 9 0 51.796774 -0.086032