all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 1LJ 40 0 51.798357 -0.088793
SG14 1LN 25 0 51.796299 -0.085719
SG14 1LP 1 1 51.796491 -0.088509
SG14 1LQ 5 0 51.797531 -0.088306
SG14 1LR 6 0 51.796566 -0.085388
SG14 1LT 12 0 51.796366 -0.084164
SG14 1LS 15 0 51.797139 -0.087467
SG14 1LU 8 0 51.798752 -0.09043
SG14 1LW 21 0 51.795449 -0.086944
SG14 1LX 11 0 51.799456 -0.090588
SG14 1LY 27 0 51.797935 -0.089391
SG14 1LZ 9 0 51.796765 -0.0877
SG14 1NA 3 0 51.798421 -0.091271
SG14 1NB 2 2 51.798758 -0.091894
SG14 1ND 1 0 51.797484 -0.089323
SG14 1NE 6 0 51.797478 -0.090585
SG14 1NF 6 0 51.7979 -0.090582
SG14 1NG 38 0 51.795745 -0.090731
SG14 1NH 6 0 51.797887 -0.091438
SG14 1NJ 6 0 51.797545 -0.089755