all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 1NL 7 2 51.794831 -0.08987
SG14 1NN 30 14 51.793535 -0.090506
SG14 1NQ 29 0 51.796877 -0.090697
SG14 1NZ 16 0 51.796671 -0.085746
SG14 1PA 5 1 51.796207 -0.078268
SG14 1PB 37 13 51.797898 -0.072787
SG14 1PD 28 0 51.796946 -0.086634
SG14 1PE 1 1 51.795734 -0.072981
SG14 1PG 14 8 51.797718 -0.081221
SG14 1PH 16 0 51.797573 -0.082242
SG14 1PJ 15 3 51.799181 -0.083218
SG14 1PL 25 8 51.79906 -0.082426
SG14 1PN 19 4 51.798323 -0.082877
SG14 1PP 8 0 51.799529 -0.082913
SG14 1PQ 10 1 51.798149 -0.081536
SG14 1PS 2 2 51.796011 -0.079089
SG14 1PT 6 2 51.796089 -0.078766
SG14 1PX 11 4 51.796652 -0.079265
SG14 1PY 8 6 51.796795 -0.079563
SG14 1PZ 2 2 51.797027 -0.080177