all postcodes in SG16 / HENLOW

find any address or company within the SG16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG16 6DD 5 0 52.025925 -0.27695
SG16 6DE 24 0 52.027168 -0.28266
SG16 6DF 15 0 52.027111 -0.283668
SG16 6DG 33 0 52.027636 -0.283925
SG16 6DH 27 0 52.02842 -0.284653
SG16 6DN 3 3 52.008737 -0.302642
SG16 6DP 39 11 52.008162 -0.303932
SG16 6DQ 4 0 52.033247 -0.286421
SG16 6DR 23 1 52.006841 -0.303355
SG16 6DS 13 12 52.00675 -0.301948
SG16 6DT 33 0 52.002441 -0.30189
SG16 6DU 51 0 52.003477 -0.304488
SG16 6DX 32 0 52.003838 -0.303381
SG16 6DY 57 0 52.004535 -0.304302
SG16 6DZ 26 2 52.006492 -0.304041
SG16 6EA 17 8 52.008636 -0.30619
SG16 6EB 2 1 52.014199 -0.31166
SG16 6ED 4 0 52.009371 -0.299238
SG16 6EF 18 0 52.001039 -0.318842
SG16 6EG 13 0 52.008227 -0.304658