all postcodes in SG16 / HENLOW

find any address or company within the SG16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG16 6HZ 10 0 52.009912 -0.298081
SG16 6JA 8 0 52.009679 -0.298731
SG16 6JB 6 0 52.009823 -0.299352
SG16 6JD 27 0 52.029441 -0.284409
SG16 6JE 29 2 52.007453 -0.306508
SG16 6JF 3 0 52.006765 -0.305532
SG16 6JG 6 0 52.006688 -0.306394
SG16 6JH 32 0 52.006183 -0.311393
SG16 6JJ 36 1 52.006602 -0.311771
SG16 6JL 20 1 52.001989 -0.318602
SG16 6JN 1 52.004709 -0.317058
SG16 6JP 1 52.000534 -0.320568
SG16 6JQ 0 52.006734 -0.308386
SG16 6JS 0 51.999232 -0.320162
SG16 6JT 2 52.000645 -0.321464
SG16 6JU 0 51.999862 -0.322702
SG16 6JW 0 51.999952 -0.322073
SG16 6JX 0 51.999158 -0.329473
SG16 6JY 1 51.998837 -0.320803
SG16 6JZ 0 51.99779 -0.319284