all postcodes in SG16 / HENLOW

find any address or company within the SG16 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG16 6EJ 6 4 52.006635 -0.288458
SG16 6EL 63 0 52.005191 -0.302427
SG16 6EH 37 0 52.005453 -0.303772
SG16 6EN 4 0 52.007166 -0.297223
SG16 6EP 1 0 52.006549 -0.295557
SG16 6EQ 7 0 52.030414 -0.286898
SG16 6ER 7 0 52.00376 -0.297324
SG16 6ES 8 0 52.003357 -0.298038
SG16 6ET 18 0 52.003525 -0.295978
SG16 6EU 48 0 52.002923 -0.294136
SG16 6EW 11 0 52.008336 -0.298519
SG16 6EX 10 0 52.002887 -0.295404
SG16 6EY 8 0 52.002359 -0.296809
SG16 6EZ 10 0 52.002534 -0.297705
SG16 6FB 4 0 52.004458 -0.302105
SG16 6FD 46 0 52.004497 -0.301025
SG16 6FE 20 0 52.003953 -0.30074
SG16 6FF 19 0 52.003614 -0.300942
SG16 6FG 4 0 52.0033 -0.300983
SG16 6FH 13 0 52.002986 -0.300427