all postcodes in SG5 / HITCHIN

find any address or company within the SG5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG5 1HP 15 11 51.948506 -0.277547
SG5 1HR 17 12 51.948196 -0.277986
SG5 1HS 1 1 51.948933 -0.278447
SG5 1HX 11 9 51.948982 -0.279455
SG5 1JA 2 0 51.950342 -0.278355
SG5 1JB 1 1 51.951155 -0.278508
SG5 1JD 17 1 51.949662 -0.278478
SG5 1JE 8 7 51.949187 -0.279194
SG5 1JJ 6 0 51.955203 -0.273143
SG5 1JN 1 1 51.949862 -0.279852
SG5 1JQ 22 18 51.949356 -0.277942
SG5 1JW 27 20 51.95054 -0.277154
SG5 1JX 1 1 51.954679 -0.274196
SG5 1LA 44 22 51.951613 -0.276613
SG5 1LE 3 3 51.951038 -0.276785
SG5 1LF 23 0 51.953163 -0.27568
SG5 1LH 8 6 51.951529 -0.277038
SG5 1LJ 46 0 51.952694 -0.276804
SG5 1LL 25 12 51.952843 -0.275959
SG5 1LP 1 1 51.948712 -0.278718