all postcodes in SG5 / HITCHIN

find any address or company within the SG5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG5 1LS 14 14 51.949283 -0.277246
SG5 1LT 1 1 51.94986 -0.276787
SG5 1NB 25 12 51.950204 -0.276245
SG5 1ND 1 1 51.950618 -0.276229
SG5 1NF 15 0 51.953084 -0.276367
SG5 1NG 1 1 51.951335 -0.276114
SG5 1NJ 9 1 51.952212 -0.275867
SG5 1NL 3 1 51.953416 -0.275758
SG5 1NN 19 0 51.953979 -0.276144
SG5 1NQ 44 21 51.951156 -0.276199
SG5 1NR 38 1 51.954013 -0.277253
SG5 1NS 8 1 51.953796 -0.2809
SG5 1NU 4 1 51.953854 -0.282396
SG5 1NW 46 0 51.954658 -0.277064
SG5 1NZ 29 0 51.954673 -0.281812
SG5 1PA 41 0 51.955791 -0.28322
SG5 1PB 25 0 51.956053 -0.282705
SG5 1PD 36 0 51.955849 -0.280424
SG5 1PE 39 0 51.955759 -0.279209
SG5 1PG 12 0 51.952746 -0.272946