all postcodes in SG5 / HITCHIN

find any address or company within the SG5 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG5 1PJ 6 0 51.949304 -0.274301
SG5 1PN 34 1 51.950794 -0.273011
SG5 1PP 17 0 51.95155 -0.274156
SG5 1PQ 12 0 51.953114 -0.272917
SG5 1PR 12 0 51.951807 -0.273928
SG5 1PS 13 0 51.951672 -0.273307
SG5 1PT 10 0 51.951634 -0.272048
SG5 1PU 2 1 51.951268 -0.275249
SG5 1PW 10 0 51.953098 -0.272438
SG5 1PX 8 0 51.952061 -0.27287
SG5 1PY 24 0 51.952538 -0.272852
SG5 1PZ 25 4 51.952454 -0.272118
SG5 1QA 20 0 51.953098 -0.271293
SG5 1QB 25 0 51.952917 -0.269942
SG5 1QD 16 0 51.953312 -0.270571
SG5 1QE 20 0 51.952232 -0.270526
SG5 1QG 35 1 51.951925 -0.269228
SG5 1QH 0 51.953164 -0.269049
SG5 1QJ 0 51.952734 -0.26796
SG5 1QL 0 51.953109 -0.267664