all postcodes in SK13 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK13 1JZ 14 0 53.473461 -1.963427
SK13 1LB 4 0 53.472914 -1.966199
SK13 1LD 1 0 53.472833 -1.966576
SK13 1LE 4 0 53.472851 -1.966862
SK13 1LF 5 0 53.47366 -1.966997
SK13 1LG 5 0 53.472429 -1.967315
SK13 1LH 36 1 53.47269 -1.970147
SK13 1LJ 38 2 53.472223 -1.973492
SK13 1LL 13 0 53.47224 -1.968851
SK13 1LN 9 0 53.469707 -1.974548
SK13 1LP 20 0 53.471702 -1.973537
SK13 1LQ 1 0 53.472861 -1.969092
SK13 1LR 25 0 53.471414 -1.973311
SK13 1LS 26 0 53.471514 -1.974547
SK13 1LT 20 0 53.470822 -1.975812
SK13 1LU 12 0 53.470543 -1.976762
SK13 1LW 21 2 53.471882 -1.973507
SK13 1LX 54 0 53.470282 -1.975572
SK13 1LY 6 0 53.469724 -1.977106
SK13 1LZ 27 0 53.469473 -1.975828