all postcodes in SK13 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK13 1QJ 38 0 53.466587 -1.969368
SK13 1QN 6 0 53.466415 -1.970103
SK13 1QP 5 0 53.462388 -1.965605
SK13 1QR 15 0 53.462775 -1.966283
SK13 1QS 42 0 53.463089 -1.966237
SK13 1QT 11 0 53.462657 -1.964114
SK13 1QW 31 0 53.463035 -1.964144
SK13 1QX 11 0 53.463106 -1.963421
SK13 1QY 5 0 53.463529 -1.964143
SK13 1WX 1 0 53.451877 -2.0787
SK13 1GB 25 0 53.46514 -1.970815
SK13 1GD 18 0 53.462675 -1.970272
SK13 1QG 5 53.464009 -1.97925
SK13 1GE 0 53.461901 -1.961464
SK13 1GH 0 53.462549 -1.962005
SK13 1DT 10 0 53.465714 -1.970269
SK13 1QH 20 17 53.464746 -1.979386
SK13 1QL 5 0 53.461627 -1.97996
SK13 1AQ 2 0 53.464167 -1.968809
SK13 1DR 0 53.464069 -1.967321