all postcodes in SK13 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK13 1PE 9 0 53.462256 -1.976028
SK13 1PF 10 0 53.461959 -1.976239
SK13 1PG 18 1 53.4616 -1.976586
SK13 1PJ 2 2 53.461158 -1.977532
SK13 1PL 50 0 53.460036 -1.976993
SK13 1PN 63 1 53.460341 -1.974448
SK13 1PP 11 0 53.460557 -1.979056
SK13 1PQ 3 1 53.46249 -1.977188
SK13 1PR 27 0 53.460962 -1.980638
SK13 1PS 25 0 53.46116 -1.979177
SK13 1PT 22 0 53.461358 -1.980893
SK13 1PU 12 0 53.460864 -1.982129
SK13 1PW 20 0 53.460962 -1.976963
SK13 1PX 46 0 53.46027 -1.980442
SK13 1PY 29 1 53.460396 -1.982415
SK13 1PZ 60 0 53.461205 -1.982279
SK13 1QA 7 0 53.459264 -1.983199
SK13 1QB 14 0 53.459893 -1.983138
SK13 1QD 20 0 53.459659 -1.983921
SK13 1QE 18 0 53.459057 -1.984208