all postcodes in SK15 / STALYBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK15 1RZ 1 1 53.481452 -2.059105
SK15 1SB 36 0 53.481146 -2.059346
SK15 1SD 13 4 53.481137 -2.060084
SK15 1SE 30 4 53.479569 -2.066426
SK15 1SH 1 1 53.480299 -2.063383
SK15 1SR 9 5 53.479731 -2.066773
SK15 1SS 1 1 53.479856 -2.067421
SK15 1ST 24 12 53.479558 -2.070178
SK15 1SY 2 2 53.479792 -2.069741
SK15 1TB 9 0 53.485214 -2.065847
SK15 1TD 8 1 53.478566 -2.072858
SK15 1TE 44 0 53.485025 -2.066103
SK15 1TF 7 0 53.478839 -2.069664
SK15 1TG 36 0 53.478615 -2.069136
SK15 1TH 1 1 53.478236 -2.071863
SK15 1TJ 56 0 53.479615 -2.064844
SK15 1TL 22 0 53.478708 -2.064164
SK15 1TN 15 2 53.477966 -2.072134
SK15 1TP 33 0 53.480596 -2.062434
SK15 1TQ 19 1 53.478236 -2.071863